Dark Horse is thrilled to announce tales from two diverse worlds in our FCBD featuring Netflix's Stranger Things and a spooky trip into the Black Hammer series. In the Stranger Things story the adventuring party is back together after Eleven's disappearance, as Nancy and Steve find a way to lift the spirits of a despondent Mike. Perhaps all it takes is a roll of the dice.
Then, in the world of the Black Hammer series, the reader goes on an EC-style tour through Madame Dragonfly's mysterious Cabin of Horrors to witness two groups of brand-new Black Hammer heroes from the past!
Writers: Ray Fawkes, Jody Houser and Jeff Lemire
Artists: David Rubin and Ibrahim Moustafa
Readers: 15+
Publisher: Dark Horse (2019)
27 Pages
Form: Single Issue
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- Nieuwstaat = 8.5 VF+ - 9.8 NM
- Goede staat = 5.0 VG/FN - 8.0 VF
- Mindere staat = 1.0 FR - 4.5 VG+
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