The Punisher makes his return by eliminating the ruthless Ma Gnucci's crime family, pursued by the NYPD's two-detective Punisher Task Force, crazed contract killer the Russian and Daredevil, the man without fear, and emulated by three copycat killers who want to join forces with him.
It all gains momentum and hurtles toward a showdown in the apartment building Frank shares with the mousy Joan, overweight Mr Bumpo, and Punk Spacker Dave.
Now, Castle must survive to finish his vendetta, making sure that his neighbors aren't caught in the crossfire while evil is punished!
Collects: Punisher(2000) #1-12
Writer: Garth Ennis (Preacher)
Artists: Steve Dillon ( Animal Man) and Jimmy Palmiotti (Harley Quinn)
Readers: M (Mature)
Publisher: Marvel Comics (2001)
272 Pages
Form: TPB (Softcover)
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